Monday, September 20, 2010

Lots going on

I haven't updated in quite a while. Tons of stuff going on lately and I haven't found the time.
Monkey Man and Princess are doing wonderful in school, I couldn't be prouder of either one of them. Monster is doing great, gaining more and more words every day. He is now talking in some 2-3 word sentences. Itty Bitty has joined the wonderful world of the terrible twos even though he doesn't turn two for a couple more months.
They are finally going to start TPR on Itty Bitty. The date is set and now all I have to do is hope that bio dad doesn't change his mind at the last moment and drag this out any more than it has been already. A little over a week and Itty Bitty will be available for adoption. It is sad but at the same time a happy moment. Sad for the bio parents even thought bio mom wants this and bio dad could care less, it's still sad. Happy for me and Itty Bitty. We can finally become a legal family and I can officially call myself his mother (even though I already do).
Things have been so hectic lately but seem to be calming down. This week isn't as hectic as the past couple have been so I am thankful. Only have one appointment besides the regular therapy schedule, so it's good.
My sister, bio mom to Princess, Monster, and Itty Bitty has not been doing the best. From rumors that are going around she is back to drinking, talking to lots of other guys who are not her boyfriend and just basically back to the same old behavior I have seen time and time again. It's so sad to have to sit and watch her self destruct but I have tried and tried to help her and I just can't do it any more. If she was more willing to help herself but she isn't.
Things here have been good, just waiting for the court date which is a little over a week away. I have been seeing more behaviors from Princess and Monster after visits which is never a good sign. Just something to keep an eye on and report to the workers. The workers have denied my sister over nights with the kids, which is good since they are already having behaviors after being over there for only a couple of hours. I couldn't imagine what they would be like after a whole day.
All I can do is hope that she will see the light, so to speak, and start doing what is in the best interest of the children.

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