Sunday, August 22, 2010


Last week was actually very laid back until Friday. I got a call from my mother on Friday morning saying that my grandmother was on the way to the hospital and that she was unresponsive. My mom was trying to get a hold of my aunt (who was also very close to my grandma) and wanted to know if I had my cousin's number, my aunt was over there baby sitting. I told my mom I would call my aunt and tell her to call my mom since my mom was driving. I got ahold of my aunt right away and gave her the message.

About half an hour later, my mom called back and said that they had my grandma was in cat scan and she would keep me updated. At that point my sister called me and I let her know what was going on. When I got off the phone I realized I had a voice mail but didn't have a missed call, my phone does that some times.

I listened to the voice mail. It was my mom and she sounded like she was crying. I knew at that point that it was going to be bad. My mom just isn't the type of person who cries unless it is really bad. So with a heavy heart I called my mom back and that is when she told me that my grandma had passed away. It felt like someone had reached into my chest and tore my heart out. All I could do was cry and try to make sure my mom was ok through the tears.

I went and picked up my sister and we headed up to the hospital to say our good byes. My aunt, mom, and cousins were there. It was such a sad moment. At first I couldn't even go into the viewing room. I just sat in the waiting room. After I had giving myself some time, I went in and said good bye to the only grandparent I have ever known. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Now normally I am the person who doesn't cry in front of others. I am usually the rock that holds everyone together, but I broke down hard. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore.
Last week was very hard with the wake, funeral and burial. But at the same time it was very beautiful. There were Native American singers and drummers at all 3 and everything was very beautiful.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fun Weekend

It was a fun and busy weekend. Last week Monkey Man and Princess had Safety Camp. They had so much fun all week long. On Friday they held a little graduation party for them. I honestly thought that I would be getting a call to come get one or the other child for behaviors but they both did wonderful and I couldn't be prouder of both of them.
On Saturday we had our family reunion and on Sunday was my nephews birthday party. In between the events I tore into the house work that got neglected last week. The kids had a blast at both events and got alot of energy out, which was nice for me at bed time. My nephew had a blast and got what he wanted for his birthday which was a Nintendo DS, games, and accessories. He had a fun time playing with his cousins. :)
Last week I talked to the case worker (we were supposed to have our home visit but she was sick so we re-scheduled for this coming up week) and she told me that she is getting Itty Bitty's TPR under way. She also told me that she doesn't know what the future will hold for Princess and Monster but she does know that they will be here with me for quite a bit longer.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What a long week

This last week has been very hectic. The children are having tons of behaviors and I am just not sleeping well at all. The children are also not sleeping well so besides having my own sleep issues, I am up with them for part of the night too. So needless to say we have all been pretty crabby this past week. Hopefully it will start to get better but we will see.
Monkey Man and Princess start safety camp tomorrow. They are excited as am I. We talk about safety almost daily but to have them learn more or things that haven't come up yet is just great. And then I get to spend some alone time with Monster and Itty Bitty.
I have my meeting with the case workers this week, so I am going to see what they are thinking and hopefully get some answers about what is going to be happening. I am seriously not a patient person and all of this wait and see stuff is really getting old.