Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing Itty Bitty

From the time my sister (mother to Princess and Moster) found out she was pregnant with Itty Bitty, she made the decision to adopt him to me. Considering I had custody of her other two children (Princess and Monster) at that point, I was elated but kind of scared of raising 4 children on my own. Of course the minute I saw him, I knew he was mine and the rest of it was just legal jumbo. He came a month early but did remarkably well. He came home on the 5th day. He was a more difficult baby. Early on there were tons of issues. At 1 month old he came down with cold like symptoms, so I took him in and found out he had Group B Strep, luckily antibiotics took care of it. Then at 4 months he was diagnosed with Plagiocephaly (mishappen head) and Torticollis (a muscle in his neck wasn't long enough so he only looked one way). That's when we started occupational therapy with him to help the Torticollis and helmet therapy to help the Plagiocephaly. Then came on the feeding problems (he had a super sensitive gag relex and a horrible suck relfex) so we stayed with the occupational therapist. He is now 1.5 years old and doing so much better. He is finally eating solids and doesn't have to be formula anymore. He is a bundle of energy and they are thinking that he too will be eventually diagnosed with pFAS but will wait until he is 2 to have him evaluated.

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