Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing Monster

Monster came to me right from the hospital. He was a big baby and that is how he got his nick name. He is Princess's brother, my nephew. He was an awesome baby. He was content no matter what he was doing. Monster only ever really cried when he was hungry. When he was a couple months old he went back to his mother. He came back into care before he was even a year old. At the age of 1.5 I could tell something was up with him too. Monster was very behind in speech and was very with drawn from the world around him. I decided to give him some more time since he was still very young. He went back to his mother shorly after and I kept a watchful eye on him. I talked to his mother about my concerns last month and she made an appointment for him. Then he came back into care earlier this month so I will be taking him to his appointment that is early next month. I am thinking it may be autism but won't know for sure for another week and a half. He is now 2.5 and only says 10 words, is in his own world alot, doesn't socialize with other children, has sensory issues, etc. But we will see and if it is than we will seek help.

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