Monday, June 28, 2010

Introducing Princess

Princess is biologically my niece. She came to me when she was 9 months old. My sister is a severe alcoholic and at that point had 3 children. The older two live with my parents and always will. I remember when I got the call from the case worker asking if I was willing to take her in. I don't even think I hesitated before saying yes. At 9 months old she was a little ball of energy, she had the most beautiful blue eyes, and the softest little cry. When she first came, I thought, "Wow, am I ever gonna wake up with her if she starts crying in the middle of the night." But those motherly instincts kicked in and I would wake up everytime she moved.
By the time she was 2, I knew something was going on with her. Princess was extremely hyper so I chalked it up to being ADHD, it runs in our family, and didn't think much of it.
She ended up going back with her mom when she was 2.5 but ended up back with me before she turned 3. When she came back, it was like she never left. Things went back to normal.
Princess was diagnosed with pFAS, partial fetal alcohol syndrome when she was 3.5. It was devistating to hear that she would suffer for the rest of her life because her mother couldn't quit drinking while she was pregnant with her. A couple months after that Princess went back to live with her mom. I hated to see her leave because I knew she would be back in care before the year was up and she shouldn't have to be bounced around like that.
It wasn't until recently that she came back to live with me. And I couldn't be happier. She is 4.5 years old now, a bundle of joy, still has those bright blue eyes, and is a joy for the most part, though she does haver her moments. She may have pFAS but it doesn't have her.

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