Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Princess and Monster's mom was supposed to come over for lunch. She never showed. She finally called around 6pm and said that she would be on her way after her and her new boyfriend dropped off his mom at her house. She lives about half an hour away now (she just moved yesterday). I kindly reminded her that Monster usually goes to bed around 7 and since she wouldn't be here until at least 645 that it wouldn't leave much time for her to visit. I asked her if tomorrow would be better and she agreed. So now the visit is scheduled for tomorrow. Well atleast it is supposed to be, she usually cancels and uses every excuse in the book as to why she can't make it. :(
Other than that we had a great day. My cousin, his girlfriend and their daughter came to visit today. We had a nice lunch and let the kids play in the back yard until the mosquitos started getting too bad. The kids played so nice together and they are supposed to come tomorrow afternoon and then we are going to walk to the park with the kids. It is supposed to be nice out tomorrow so it will make for a nice day.
Next week is going to be physically and mentally draining. Monday and Tuesday are pretty typical (just therapy for Monkey Man and Monster). Wednesday, I have to take Monster to get evaluated for autism. That in itself would be enough for a week but no there is more. Thursday I have to take Itty Bitty to have a his pre surgery physical done. Then on Friday is his surgery. He is having caps put on his 4 front teeth. The enamal didn't form correctly because of his birth mothers drinking when she was pregnant with him. Poor baby is still suffering the after effects of her poor choices. I just worry because I know there are additional risks when children are under the age of 2. He is only 17 months.
I just want next week to be done and over with already. I want to have answers as to whether Monster has autism or not. And I want Itty Bitty's surgery's to be in our past. I am already starting to feel anxious about everything and this week isn't even done yet. I am just trying to stay busy and not dread too much on it all. Wish us luck.

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