Monday, July 12, 2010


Itty Bitty's surgery went very well. His little silver teeth are just cute. When he came out of surgery he was very crabby but once he seen me, he calmed right down. After a bottle he was walking around and playing. No complications or anything and he is eating with those front teeth already. I'm so glad that we had it done and now we can focus on getting him bigger (he is so tiny).
Things here have been a roller coaster. I am so glad that last week is done and the big things are out of the way.
Yesterday Princess and Monster had a visit with their mother and last night wasn't good, again. Everytime they have a visit with their mom, they are up part of the night. With Monster, he starts whining in his sleep and I just go in there rub his back and give him his blanket and right back to sleep he goes. With Princess she is up crying and carrying on until I have her come and cuddle with me on the couch and then I have to make her a bed right by mine before she will go back to sleep. Poor kids. This only started when mom went back to her old boyfriend. I am beginning to think that there was much more going on over there than any of us knew. I don't think they like mom's boyfriend, I don't know what he was doing to them but they do not like him.
I have an appointment with the case workers this week and will let them know what is going on. I can only hope that they will not send the children back to that situation. I know they were talking about doing unsupervised visit's but hope they change their mind.
Other than that, things have been going good. The children are starting to settle down and are becoming accustome to how things are done (like bed time routine, etc). Hopefully we will know soon if Princess and Monster will be here for a while, cause if so than we need to find a different place. This one is ok but is pretty small for all the kids.

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